Renowned as "The Change Energizer," Scott Carley possesses an unmatched combination of enthusiasm and expertise to propel major accomplishments to completion. His proactive, inventive approach to tackling challenges and overcoming setbacks enables organizations to achieve their goals while boosting productivity.
As a highly respected CEO and Entrepreneur Trusted Advisor, Scott has addressed thousands of CEOs and key leaders across the nation. He holds a certification in The Fascination Advantage™ personality assessment and is an active member of the certification team. Scott has served two terms as President of the Austin Chapter of the National Speakers Association (NSA), as well as three terms on the National Chapter Leadership Council of the NSA, supporting professional speakers nationwide.
Scott's extensive experience as a keynote speaker has taken him to over 350 cities in the United States, Australia, and Europe. Among his esteemed clients are Wells Fargo, Dell, New York Life, and the Travel and Tourism industry. They appreciate his straightforward approach to problem-solving and his ability to "create a breath of fresh air" that invigorates and inspires.